Life As It Is

Life As It Is  

2022 was supposed to be the year when things got easier. While it’s only January, and we can still hope that there are better days ahead in 2022, right now there is a lot that feels just plain hard.

Amid all that life is delivering, we come to yoga class…and it usually feels pretty great. But however great it might feel, our practice of Kaiut Yoga doesn’t merely provide an hour of escape from the press of life. It actually affords something much more profound:  nothing short of a deep transformation of our bodies and our minds. Cultivating strength and flexibility in the body, calm and focused awareness in the mind, kindness and steadiness throughout, our practice educates us from the inside out to better meet the challenges of life off of the mat.

While we sincerely hope for those brighter days ahead, we can also take heart from knowing that our practice of Kaiut Yoga not only feels great, but is helping us to engage with greater ease with life as it is, however it is, in 2022 and beyond.

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